Craft Beer In
Other Area,
Osaka City

Explore the best craft beer pubs and breweries in other area, Osaka city. Our curated map helps you find top local beer spots to enjoy unique brews.


The area is slightly outside the centre of Osaka City, with calm residential areas and small shopping streets. It is a place where you can feel the life of the local people.

Reccomend Sights

・Nakanoshima Park
・Flower Expo Memorial Tsurumi Ryokuti Park
・Kujo Shopping Street
・Tenpozan Harbor Village
・Sumiyoshi Grand Shrine

Store Lists
In Other Area, Osaka City

Name(Click to Map)CategoryFeatureURLTEL
Arimoto BreweryBreweryTake Away Instagram 06-4306-3456
Chitei Ryoko BreweryBreweryOn-Site Restaurant, Take Awaynone06-6581-3898
Kamigata BeerBreweryTaproom, Take AwayInstagram06-6829-6550
ONE’S BREWERYBreweryBrewing OnlyInstagram050-1169-0772
Semba BeerBreweryTaproom, Bottle ShopInstagram06-6263-0525
Tenpozan Beer(Chikkou Rice Store)BreweryBottle ShopWeb Site06-6571-3454
APE BREWINGBeer pubFoodInstagram06-7661-9443
Beer and Yakitori copoBrew pubFoodInstagram06-6398-7925
Brewpub Tetard ValleeBrew pubLunch , FoodInstagram06-6809-5229
GAMO4 BREWERYBrew pubFood, Bottle ShopInstagram050-8884-9180
MUGEN BreweryBrew pubFoodInstagram06-6755-8339
Shukujitsu BreweryBrew pubFood, Take AwayInstagramnone
BAK KYOBASHIBeer pubBrewery Owned, LunchInstagram06-6948-8579
BEER CAFE CENTO ANNIBeer pubLunchInstagram06-7661-4401
Beer stand MARCABeer pubBrewery OwnedInstagram080-2110-6099
Craft Beer House POGOJIROBeer pubStandard PubInstagram06-4400-3626
CRAFTBEER&WHISKY Brewing hacchioBeer pubStandard PubInstagram06-6136-8898
CUCINA ITALIANA PEDROLINOBeer pubStandard PubInstagram06-6765-3222
Fructus.watering holeBeer pubStandard PubInstagram06-6867-9831
Goul GoulBeer pubStandard PubInstagram080-4780-6682
HARENOHI Craft Beer and GyozaBeer pubStandard PubInstagram06-6947-3530
HathorBeer pubStandard PubInstagram 06-6928-6565
NITO Coffee&Craft Beer CHIKKOBeer pubStandard PubInstagramnone
Rally's Craft Coffee Beer and Guest HouseBeer pubStandard PubInstagram080-4193-5207
Sunny Day DumplingBeer pubStandard PubInstagram06-4707-6710
TNT Craft Beer Pub and Bottle ShopBeer pubStandard Pub, Bottle ShopInstagram080-4242-2357
YELLOW APE CRAFTBeer pubStandard PubInstagram06-4963-3838
"The Bottle Shop & The Kitchen"
Beer pubLunch, Bottle ShopInstagram06-7410-2095
YORU NOBUBeer pubLunchInstagram06-6684-9550
Liquor Shop ASAHIYALiquor ShopBottle Shop OnlyInstagram06-6951-1986
Liquor Shop MaedaLiquor ShopBottle Shop OnlyInstagram06-6459-9739
Liquor Shop Maruho KujoLiquor ShopBottle Shop, Standing BarInstagram06-6583-2368
Western liquor ChigaLiquor ShopBottle Shop OnlyInstagram06-6698-6414
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